In an After Poem the author declares a relationship between their writing and another artist’s work.

“After Poetry” acknowledges that reading poetry influences how I make things. It’s not a direct relationship. I don’t read a poem, get a vision, then make photographs. It’s more like the spirit or ethos of poetry has pervaded my way of thinking and seeing.

A poem, its subject, or the lines, are not directly tied to a specific image. They were decided after the photographs were selected for the exhibition. I selected passages that felt engaging and worked well to enhance the opaque nature of the photographs themselves.

I hope to have created a curiosity in the viewer – that the new relationships between poetic line and photograph might help viewers find a personal relationship with the word and image. Ideally these pairings serve as springboards for the viewer to create new personal narratives, or meaning.

The unpredictable possibility in this process fascinates me. I’ve spent my life reading, watching, listening, viewing, and engaging with art. Through this, I’ve discovered the most relatable and engaging works for me are always those that remain a bit impenetrable. I’m happiest when never fully grasping something in its entirety. I like the unexplained and mysterious questions of life.

Hopefully this love of the opaque and imagination is echoed in After Poetry.

1. Mary Ruefle from Patient Without an Acre

“My skin takes the light.”

2. Elisa Gabbert from Historians of the Future

“The past is still. The future trembles.”

3.  Adam Zagajewski from We Wait

“There is eternity / but it ends soon”

4. Louise Glück from All Hallows

Even now this landscape is assembling.”

5.    Jessi Maceachern from OrWoman

“mindful to forget / everything”

6.    Kathryn Scanlan from Aug 9 — Fog

“everything loose / is travelling”

7.   Susan Musgrave from Rain

“I let the days enter me.”

8.   Ariana Reines from Running Nymph

“Everything. / Everything / Overtakes me eventually”

9.  Erin Moure from Excess

“this too is excess”

10.  Nancy Viva Davis Halifax from Their Fear Intends a Future Barren Of

your confidence / your out spoken queerness”

11.  Tracy K Smith from The Largeness We Can’t See

“We move in and out of rooms, leaving / Our dust, our voices pooled on sills.”

12.  Elisa Gabbert from Oral History

“I spend a lot of time waiting around for something / wonderful to happen.”

13.  Ana Božičević from My Heart is an Old Majordomo

  “In whose sprawled out body / Did I make my home

14.  Dean Young from 8,000 Whispers

“What strange wolves / we’ve welcomed to our waltz.”

15.   Matthew Zapruder from How Do You Like the Underworld

”We have broken the future of thunder.