
Loved Books I’m fortunate to be surrounded by books. Because of Covid, aging, and a general malaise that makes everything a little harder, I’ve read less in the last five years. The why and how of my reading has changed too.  Typicaly the things on my shelf are fiction, poetry, art books and philosophical stuff. I’m […]

Poetry 2025

Poetry 2025 Reading poetry has made me want to write poetry. Writing poetry is enjoyable, but very personal, and does not come easy. This is learning. I’ve no idea how bad these are, but I do like the challenge of writing them. The value of these for me is that pleasure. Soaking This gift of […]

Aphorisms & Ego

Aphorisms & Ego I remember reading the first part of Twilight of the Idols by Friedrich Nietzsche in an outhouse at a cottage when I was 12 or so. It wasn’t a choice, it just happened to be there, left my older philosophical brother, or maybe just forgotten. The structure of the first portion of […]

Lake Effect 2025

Lake Effect 2025 Lake Effect is when warm moist air comes off a body of water and mixes with cold dry air above, creating precipitation. It’s also the positive influence the lake has on my mood. Even in “bad” weather, when I’m by the lake I can’t stop smiling.  2025 has been great for ice. […]

Ice Whispering

2025 has been the year of ice. For a month I’ve been longwalking everyday through High Park to where the Humber River meets the Toronto shore of Lake Ontario. It’s about 5 kilometers from my neighbourhood–The Junction Triangle–to the Humber Bay Arch Bridge. I make the trip through High Park at dawn. Hoping to see […]

After Poetry

In an After Poem the author declares a relationship between their writing and another artist’s work. “After Poetry” acknowledges that reading poetry influences how I make things. It’s not a direct relationship. I don’t read a poem, get a vision, then make photographs. It’s more like the spirit or ethos of poetry has pervaded my […]

SNAP! 2023

SNAP! 2023 This is the second stanza in a poem for the city. Stored safely in a solander box are five 13.3″ x 20″ photographs. Each printed on archival Canson Rag, and mounted on a 13.3″ x 20″ aluminium panel. Also in the box are a pair of cloth gloves for handling the prints and […]

“the detail that winks”

“the detail that winks” Overview Thirteen, five stanza poems for the city.  Print five photographs, all at a 14.5″ x 18.5″ image size. For each, include a printed white border, to make each total print dimension 16″ x 20″. Mount these on 16″ x 20″  substrates, then drop the mounted prints into a solander box. […]

Object Permanence

Object Permanence around the corner behind a polein a pile of leavesamong some busheswithin a crowdunder the carburied in blanketsafter nightfalldown a wellin another citybelow groundwhen I close my eyeson the moonblindfoldedface down in mudbelow stairsat another timethrough some treesin the closetamong treetopsunder a bedafter the raptureobscured by cloudsbehind a curtainduring the blackoutbeyond a horizonin […]