After Poetry

In an After Poem the author declares a relationship between their writing and another artist’s work. “After Poetry” acknowledges that reading poetry influences how I make things. It’s not a direct relationship. I don’t read a poem, get a vision, then make photographs. It’s more like the spirit or ethos of poetry has pervaded my […]

“the detail that winks”

“the detail that winks” Overview Thirteen, five stanza poems for the city.  Print five photographs, all at a 14.5″ x 18.5″ image size. For each, include a printed white border, to make each total print dimension 16″ x 20″. Mount these on 16″ x 20″  substrates, then drop the mounted prints into a solander box. […]

Object Permanence

Object Permanence around the corner behind a polein a pile of leavesamong some busheswithin a crowdunder the carburied in blanketsafter nightfalldown a wellin another citybelow groundwhen I close my eyeson the moonblindfoldedface down in mudbelow stairsat another timethrough some treesin the closetamong treetopsunder a bedafter the raptureobscured by cloudsbehind a curtainduring the blackoutbeyond a horizonin […]


I’ve always wanted to make poetry without words. So I’ve begun to learn about writing in the hope that it rubs off in my life. I want it to invisibly effect me. Poetry has always been a mystery, and a draw. In recent months it’s totally sucked me in. It’s fascinating and our home library […]