Ice Whispering

2025 has been the year of ice. For a month I’ve been longwalking everyday through High Park to where the Humber River meets the Toronto shore of Lake Ontario. It’s about 5 kilometers from my neighbourhood–The Junction Triangle–to the Humber Bay Arch Bridge. I make the trip through High Park at dawn. Hoping to see […]


Most of my winter walking was to the lake. The 13km return journey, kept me active, and gave me time to think. I was constantly surprised at the ever-changing colour, look and mood of the water. Some days it would be a sheet of frozen glass, and on others, an undulating mass of shards. The […]

Lake Effect

Lake Effect COVID has left an indelible mark on everyone’s life. We’ve been fortunate. My partner and I have stayed healthy and we’ve been able to keep our jobs while working from home, so we’ve maintained our middle class income. There’s been some anxiety, but we’ve had ample food and shelter. We haven’t been marked […]