

No More Social Media

I’ve decided to see how I can do without social media.
I’ve wasted too much time scrolling and worrying what other people thought.
I also can’t accept how crappy Instagram has become and how the executive there is seeking favour with the regressive idiocy of the new fascist leader of the U.S. 
I’ll add new things more frequently to the “sketchbook” section here on my website. Feel free to reach out through the contact info.

Fundraising: Art Of Hope 2025

It’s no secret that I participate in a lot of fundraisers. Truth is I feel better giving stuff to raise funds in support of a good cause than selling work. On April 8th, I’ll be at the WestPark Healthcare Centre as they hold a ticketed fundraiser to support the inspiring vision for their ongoing art strategy to advance the collection and fund an Artists in Residence Program. You can get more info here. It’s a spectacular facility, and I look forward to seeing my piece “Everything Loose / Is Travelling” from my last show After Poetry which is currently on display at the hospital.

Fundraising: SNAP! 2025

We Have Broken the Future of Thunder” from After Poetry is part of the SNAP! Photography Live Auction this year on Firday March 21st. This is another great event and important charitable fundraiser in support of ACT, The AIDS committee of Toronto. You can buy tickets via their website here. It’s always a wonderful event and a great opportunity to grab some amazing work AND give your money to a great organization. 


I’m part of a group show happening at Pendulum Gallery
885 West Georgia Street,
Vancouver, BC
which runs from July 15th until September 6th 

Included are 4 self-portraits from a series I called “Shrouded
Also in the show are works by six other artists;

Jay Senetchko

Jen Mann

Khim Hipol

Lyle XOX

Michael Love

Miya Turnbull

My last show was After Poetry in the Spring of this year. 

After Poetry

My last show was at Bau-Xi Gallery’s newer Toronto location 1384 Dufferin Street
North west corner of Dufferin Street and Geary Avenue. 
Saturday March 2, 1-3 p.m. was the opening reception.

and the show ran from March 2nd – 23rd
15 new works, inspired by poetry. 
My last show was four years ago, which seems unbelievable.

SNAP 2024

Also in March I’ve donated my piece “I let the days enter me.” to the SNAP! Toronto auction for Act Toronto.
Friday, March 8. 7 p.m. till late.
I’ve supported SNAP for over 15 years, and they’ve always suported me in return.
Always a fun event.

You can check out the live,  silent auction, and 2024 limited edition pieces on the SNAP website.

Arts Effect 2024

In June another donated piece “My skin takes the light” will be available via the Vibe Arts, Arts Effect auction.
Thursday, June 6
at The Broadview Hotel
Doors, 6:30 PM 
Live Auction, 8:00 PM
I’ve supported this great organization for years too.

New Website

March 12th, 2022 Toronto

The new website is pretty much like the old website but it works. A few simple things about;

1. About – News will be updated and reflect anything relatively “newsworthy” that has happened to or is associated with Chris Shepherd. This will include news of the soon to happen or news of the recent past. Nothing in here will be conceptual or idea driven. There will be no “Fake News” and little-to-no opinion.

2. About – BioCV and Contact pages should be relatively straight forward and up to date at all times.

3. Work – This section contains most of the things the artist has printed, made or performed. There is nothing here that was not exhibited or produced and sold in some way. Well, that’s not 100% accurate. All the work you see here has been produced, not all of it has sold.

4. Sketchbook – This will become the theoretical, conceptual or WIP portion of the site. Here the artist plans on keeping a virtual sketchbook of ideas so you can follow along with their life and get a frightening glimpse into the workings of a neurotic artist’s mind. This might contain opinion, commentary or even swearing. Please don’t be offended. The plan is to weed out this section of the site frequently and only keep entries for ideas that might actually make it to execution some day. It  may contain pie-in-the-sky thoughts, but that’s the fun of it.