Poetry 2025
Poetry 2025 Reading poetry has made me want to write poetry. Writing poetry is enjoyable, but very personal, and does not come easy. This is
Aphorisms & Ego
Aphorisms & Ego I remember reading the first part of Twilight of the Idols by Friedrich Nietzsche in an outhouse at a cottage when I
Lake Effect 2025
Lake Effect 2025 Lake Effect is when warm moist air comes off a body of water and mixes with cold dry air above, creating precipitation.
Ice Whispering
2025 has been the year of ice. For a month I’ve been longwalking everyday through High Park to where the Humber River meets the Toronto
After Poetry
In an After Poem the author declares a relationship between their writing and another artist’s work. “After Poetry” acknowledges that reading poetry influences how I
SNAP! 2023
SNAP! 2023 This is the second stanza in a poem for the city. Stored safely in a solander box are five 13.3″ x 20″ photographs.
“the detail that winks”
“the detail that winks” Overview Thirteen, five stanza poems for the city. Print five photographs, all at a 14.5″ x 18.5″ image size. For each,
Object Permanence
Object Permanence around the corner behind a polein a pile of leavesamong some busheswithin a crowdunder the carburied in blanketsafter nightfalldown a wellin another citybelow
Wandering Summer 2022
Wandering Summer 2022 I carry my camera everywhere I go. I hope someday they make an ultralight version that I can trade my behemoth in
Book Villa
Book Villa Every weekend when I was young, my brother and I took a bus to visit my grandmother. We did the trip together for
Wandering Spring 2022
Wandering Winter 2022 The following are favourites from an ongoing series called Wandering. This particular batch is from the first four months of 2022. I walk
Tunnelling I’ve spent a lot of time in and on the subway. These are outtakes from various shows that featured New York, Toronto and Montreal
Lillian Massey
Lillian Massey Building I’ve been obsessed with this place for the better part of fifteen years. This structure was originally built between 1908-1912, as the
Repetition Repetition, or more specifically, revisiting, is a big part of how I process the world. Most of the things I photograph are a result
Leaning / Laying
Leaning / Laying I’m drawn to things left leaning or piled. Often this is on construction sites, but I’ve found things inside vacant building or
The Black and Whiteness
The Black and Whiteness My work is in colour. That’s how I think and how the world looks to me, so that’s what I shoot.
Lake Effect
Lake Effect COVID has left an indelible mark on everyone’s life. We’ve been fortunate. My partner and I have stayed healthy and we’ve been able