Aphorisms & Ego

I remember reading the first part of Twilight of the Idols by Friedrich Nietzsche in an outhouse at a cottage when I was 12 or so. It wasn’t a choice, it just happened to be there, left my older philosophical brother, or maybe just forgotten. The structure of the first portion of the book has stayed with me. “Maxims and Arrows” were aphorisms. I had a vague understanding of what an aphorism was, but I looked it up, to be sure. 

A lot of things that I like are realted to a love of aphorisms. I even wonder if I “think” in aphorisms.  I’ve alwys been drawn to their structure and function.

I’m not sure if all–or even a portion–of the following can be considered aphorisms, but that’s what has inspired this post, so I’m going with it.  


I don’t understand adding an s to words that shouldn’t have one. Words like “maths” and names like “Warners”. Having said that, I once used the word Architectures in an exhibition title just to fuck with people who thought they were super-smart.

Happiness has a very narrow definition. I thought about it the other day, and I’m happiest when alone, a bit melancholy and introspective. Most people would call that sadness.

I’m certain I’m smarter than the average person, but the average person is only steps away from idiocy.

My maternal grandparents were Scottish immigrants, and my paternal great, great, great grandparents were too. They were immigrants. If you’re anti-immigrant and not indigenous, you should be aware that you’re just a racist immigrant.

Art is just another word for self-indulgence.

Who decides “I’ll be a poet”? I mean, I find this very aspirational, but come on! You have to admit it’s an incredibly egotistical and irresponsible decision, unless you’re already independently wealthy. Maybe that’s why I find the idea so attractive.

Never confuse the words “popular” and “quality”, the relationship between the two is inversely proportional.

If something is popular or in fashion it holds no interest for me. To achieve that status means to be bereft of anything.

I make art for myself. Logically there are other people who are similar to me, who could be interested in the same things and experience. But my work is only an extension of what I’ve seen and experienced. I would like to be more involved in a conversation with people about it, but that’s mostly just vanity.

One of my most prized possessions is the ability to see what and who I am. I may not like it most of the time, or I may have formed the wrong idea or conclusions about myself at times, but at least there’s always self-directed room for improvement.

Capitalism is ugly. It seems to have replaced religion as the main source of suffering in the world